Documents are important and valuable asset of an organization because they contain information which are shared by the organization and its stakeholders and they partly are an evidence of the organization and the stakeholders’ commitments, undertakings, rights, obligations, eligibility, fulfilment, compliance and the like vis a vis each other. Documents have always been creating troubles and were subject of serious concern for the organizations because:
• They ought to be safeguarded like the other asset of the organizations knowing that they are enormous in quantity and influential in functionality.
• They had to instantly be retrieved at any time without any help from others
• They need to be kept physically safe and sound and in a manner to serve the various requirements that the organizations may have either to use them as an evidence for their claims or as batch of cohered documents containing integrated information of and the communication by the stakeholders.
• The links between documents had to be easily recognized to serve better understanding of a document content and its background.
• Their circulation need to be recorded including the actions taken by each stakeholder in their regard.
To fulfil the requirements arising out of the aboveconcerns , a precise and well thought system shall be developed. This challenging task needs investigation and analysis in concept and in structure.
Our core business in Raya is implementation of telecommunication projects containing Engineering, Procurement of goods and Construction facilities (EPC). We perform project management and engineering as an insourced work in Raya and procure goods (those material and equipment which are part of the project deliverables plus those required for temporary facilities), construction services and results (required supporting services and materials) as an outsourced work. Procuring the outsourced portion of such EPC works will require the following sub processes to be performed:
• Market survey and evaluation of vendors, service and Reuslt providers
• Bid execution for selecting vendors, service and result providers (VSR).
• Work execution by VSRs.
Each of the above sub processes consists of several subordinates which result to attributing various types of document to them.
Performing the insourced work needs developing a large number of documents as the main deliverables for the customer. These documents together with the documents which are developed as the company’s standards and are known as organizational processes asset, lists the type of documents in the company which are shown in the Attached Table
The variety of documents and their particularity in respect of their use require grouping them in a manner to serve best in terms of filing, retrieving, circulating and loaning. This purpose has been touched by dividing the documents into four categories ,setting an internal numbering procedure and defining a circulating process for each of them which generally conforms to the below map.In compliance with the above general document processing map the circulating process of each category has been developed and implemented as part of the Raya Corporate Management System (CMS) which inter alia each category of document contains the following numbering methods ::
- Correspondences including letters, emails, faxes, document transmittals. The numbering system for this category targets mainly the contract, sender and receiver.
SBS: Stakeholder Breakdown Structure
- Meeting documents including meeting agendas, meeting notes and minutes of meetings. The numbering system for this category targets mainly the contract and meeting main participant.
- Raya Standards including procedures, instructions, policies and manuals. The numbering system for this category targets mainly the FWBS and Revisions.
- Work Documents Comprising all documents developed during the performance of the work except the above documents. The numbering system for this category targets mainly the Contract, FWBS and Revisions.