Project Work Breakdown Structure
Project Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS)
PWBS and the template we have designed to ease the development of PWBS is the fourth element of the Raya Business Management System. PWBS precisely defines the project scope of work and is used as a mean to accurately communicate scope of work among project stakeholders. It links the FWBS of the company to the scope of work of the project and organizes FWBS elements so precise as to cover the whole scope of work of the project in a way to best serve the Project Time Management and the Project Cost Management. It has the capability to well define the distinctive changes to the scope of work compared with the original scope.
Each element of PWBS conforms to a synonym element of FWBS. This allows each attribute of PWBS elements which results from execution of each project to be stored in the company’s data bank which is developed based on the FWBS. The content of this data bank will be used to forecast and define such attributes for new projects. Such data bank evolves gradually and its value increases as it stores more data of past projects and once matured will be a valuable asset of the company.
PWBSs are different in various projects but based on the nature of each company’s core business must follow specific guides to develop an analogue PWBSs for projects of the company. This goal has been achieved in Raya by designing a template for the PWBS development which besides resulting in uniform PWBSs for various projects, it also simplifies the PWBS development.
As it can be learned from the attached PWBS template, it contains and demonstrates the following information and data:
- PWBS whole structure.
- Levels of scope of work break down with precise descriptions.
- Distinguishing between the work categories, groups, types, packages and activities.
- The ability of contraction and expansion to meet projects requirement.
- Showing deliverables and linking them to work packages.
- Showing corresponding FWBS of each PWBS.
- Showing the units, quantities, time and cost of each element of PWBS.
- Indicating the responsible organization (stakeholder) for each work packages using the SBS (Stakeholders Breakdown Structure) codes and definitions.
- Indicating the role of stakeholders in developing project deliverables.