Management System-Stakeholders

Management System-Stakeholders

Stakeholder management is a mandatory need of projects. It is the reason why building an independent knowledge area in the PMBOK Guide describing the processes of “stakeholder management” and “developing stakeholder management plan” for projects is realized. In addition to the projects’ stakeholders there are corporate stakeholders which also play an important role and actively influence the corporate's business. Now it is relevant to ask whether these two group of stakeholders could be combined or not, knowing that they are of different nature.

As a matter of fact projects’ stakeholders are limited in number but every single one of them needs to be very precisely defined. They have to be identified for each project with very specific information whereas the corporate stakeholders are generally infinite, except for a very limited number of them they do not need to be very specific but are rather in (under) the form of categories. With this differences between project and corporate stakeholders it was unavoidable to question whether we ,in Raya, can establish a structure allowing to clearly identify or to categorically distinguish all stakeholders of projects and corporate. Similarly to the name we allocated to functions (FWBS) the name of this structure containing all stakeholders was called Stakeholders Breakdown Structure (SBS).

The SBS is constituted of two categories: fixed and floating stakeholders. Fixed stakeholders are those who are generally linked to the corporate but rarely linked to the projects. However, floating stakeholders are linked to the corporate through the projects without direct link to corporate. Floating stakeholders vary from one project to another. They are distinguished by the project’s codes which come before the codes of project stakeholders.

The SBS at the first level consists of 9 subordinates including:

  1. Raya
  2. Reserve for the Sister Companies
  3. Projects
  4. Clients
  5. Vendors
  6. Service Providers- Subcontractor
  7. Public Organizations, Departments And Ministries
  8. Reserve
  9. Company Personnel


Among these categories, items 3 (Projects) and item 9 (Company Personnel) are floating type and the remaining items are fixed type. For the fixed type of stakeholders, once a stakeholder category or a specific stakeholder is recognized and a code is allocated to it, it will not be changed in the future. Category 3 which is dedicated to projects stakeholders will be removed for a specific project upon its completion. Similarly, code allocation to category 9 may be revised in repetitive manner based on personnel hire and release. The attached table shows a certain part of the SBS which is designed for Raya. The SBS is a means of integration among the project and corporate attributes including cost estimate, project and corporate budget, project and corporate accounts, contracts, purchase orders and the document management.